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No More Puffy Eyes - Rice Water Ice Cubes

These rice water ice cubes are a great option to reduce puffy eyes, calm the skin after allergic reactions or sunburn and it's one more weapon in our arsenal to prevent wrinkle formation.


  • Flexible ice cube tray


  • 150 mL Rice water
  • 50 mL Aloe Vera gel
  • You can always use - 3 parts of Rice Water to 1 part of Aloe Vera Gel


  • Mix both ingredients together.
  • Pour the mixture into a flexible ice cube tray.
  • Freeze your ice cubes until hardened.


To use:
Step 1: Rub one ice cube gently on your face until it melts (remember to protect your fingers with a cloth while holding the ice cube).
Step 2: Dry your face with a towel or let it air dry.
Step 3: Follow up with your creams and sunscreen as usual.